Saturday 20th of April 2024 07:25:11 AM
 By Laws
 Member Institutions
 Board Members
 Benefits to Members
 Developments Programs
 Continuing Education
 Thesis Production Assistance Program
 Dissertation Production Assistance Program (DPAP)
 Development Programs

Cooperative Acquisitions

ALBASA as the cooperative center provides the facilities for a coordinated program of acquisition either by purchase, donations, or exchange for all the member libraries.

Cooperative Cataloging

ALBASA shall provide the facilities for centralized processing. The ideal would be to centralize all processing for all members. This would include complete cataloging and classifying, and providing the physical properties needed to make them ready for use according to the form and method chosen by the members.

Bibliographic Center

ALBASA ,as the bibliographic center would organize and maintain a union list of the holdings (monographs, serials, and non-book materials) of all the member libraries and union catalogs of other collections to be kept up-to-date by supplements and new editions. It would also maintain the necessary bibliographic tools. This will not only complement the other projects (acquisitions, cataloging, inter-library loan) but it is essential for the success of the other projects. All requests for locating needed titles and borrowing them will then be routed to the center.

Inter-library Loan

ALBASA shall work out an inter-library loan code adapted to the needs and resources of its members.

Regional Deposit Center

ALBASA, as a deposit center, will maintain a warehouse to store older books, periodicals and documents for all the libraries. The center will also apply to become a depository for government documents.

Consultant Services

ALBASA will provide consultant services to member libraries upon request. For this purpose, the center shall maintain a file of possible resource persons who are authorities in specific areas of library work.

Training Programs, Workshops, etc.

ALBASA shall plan and set-up a series of training programs and workshops for the members.

ALBASA 40th Anniversary!
CHED Endorsement for RDA Seminar-Workshop
ALBASA 46th Annual General Assembly
ALBASA 45th Annual General Assembly
ALBASA 44th Annual General Assembly
ALBASA 43rd Annual General Assembly
ALBASA 42nd Annual General Assembly
Online Account Verification
A Friendly Reminder from the ALBASA Treasurer